Draft Order 2020

For our first year with draft slots, as explained here, we played the 2019 post-season to determine what the RD1 draft slots would be. After that, RD2-6 would be in Power Ranking order, snaking starting from RD3 and on. [ New Post-Season 2.0 | Power Ranking 2019 | Draft 2020 Sheet ]

  1. Snack Bears (5-15)
  2. Another Bad Creation (4-16)
  3. So Buckets (10-9-1) *TB Champion
  4. IL Conceived (7-13)
  5. LA Buffy (8-11-1)
  6. Team Thien (9-11)
  7. Hilt the Stilt (6-14)
  8. Team Cameltoe (3-17)
  9. Swamp Dragons (15-3-2)
  10. Spade (12-7-1)
  11. Squirtle Squad (12-6-2)
  12. Fob Stars (11-8-1)
  13. Funk Coalition (13-7)
  14. Fat Jubas (12-8)
  15. Chunky Monkeys (14-5-1)
  16. Sour Snails (14-5-1) *Champion
Notes: Due to the rule where a #9/10 seed cannot win a top two pick, Snack Bears and Another Bad Creation move up to *1/2 draft slot respectively

  1. Swamp Dragons (15-3-2)
  2. Sour Snails (14-5-1)
  3. Chunky Monkeys (14-5-1)
  4. Funk Coalition (13-7)
  5. Squirtle Squad (12-6-2)
  6. Spade (12-7-1)
  7. Fat Jubas (12-8)
  8. Fob Stars (11-8-1)
  9. So Buckets (10-9-1)
  10. Team Thien (9-11)
  11. LA Buffy (8-11-1)
  12. IL Conceived (7-13)
  13. Hilt the Stilt (6-14)
  14. Snack Bears (5-15)
  15. Another Bad Creation (4-16)
  16. Team Cameltoe (3-17)

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