First Question Is...

"Jon, CA: We just started a league where we don't use any positions, what do you think the ramifications of doing this will be? And would you say that's a good or bad idea? 10 starters, 5 bench, 9 category H2H, with no positions......

Keith Lipscomb: As long as everyone's playing by the same rules, I don't see any problems with any quirks, really. Sure, some teams will load up on a category or two, but they will likely be deficient in an area as well. It should be interesting to see how that plays out."
-espn, chat wrap, 10/30-
Damn, if I had known he was going to answer (never mind as the first question), I would have asked something more exciting. Like, "With Red Auerbach's passing, would it be okay to pull a 'Red' and draft Joakim Noah this year for my keeper league? Only to honor Auerbach's memory and general managering savvy of course."

1 comments :: First Question Is...

  1. nice, you're the first person i "know" that has ever had a question answered on a espn chat.... YOUR MY HERO!!


    8:22 PM